
Where did Stalin go?

The other night I was watching Georgian TV, and there appeared to be a show about Stalin statue in Gori - it was removed from central square only last June, in the most curious and secret way, and until now it is still missing. There were several points in this story that I keep wondering about: why did his statue stay in the center of the town for so long? Now, I could write pages of what I think about his cruelty and cynicism, yet it seems Gori people don't feel very touched by such ideas. You see, Joseph was born in Gori, and for this small town it is something that makes it known. Most people don't know that he never returned to Gori after becoming a 'big man' in Moscow. But in Stalin's museum (which charges a crazy price for the entrance!) you will be told all about his life in his young days, with his childhood house and a lots of busts and medals, and literature, and presents that he received (the last one dated 1999, from China. Says a lot, doesn't it)....... all devoted to show how great leader he was.

A painting from Stalin's museum
So that is the second mystery for me - the museum, which does not mention anything negative about Stalin and completely ignores the atrocities that he ordered in his USSR times. It gives very strange view of the history - though at the same time it is interesting to watch, how people actually believe in this version. I wanted so so much to ask something provoking to the ladies working at the museum, but my Georgian was not that good then. Maybe next time:) because there was even an idea to make a museum of a museum. I.e., to leave it all as it is and to show the tourists - that's how we portrayed Stalin in the communist times. Would be interesting!

Another mystery however, was how Stalin's statue disappeared from the main square of Gori. Local people were not so enthusiastic to let go the statue; so the authorities came in the middle of the night, surrounded the square with police and silently took the statue. Nobody knew, nobody saw - just in the morning surprised Gori people saw that the square was empty. Now this I don't understand also - why to make it so secretly? Not to meet any protesters, they said - but so what if people protest? It's their right, and at least they could do what graffiti on the walls saying "We want Stalin back" (or smth like that).

 But the biggest question of all is - where did the statue go? More than a year passed: it is not in the museum, it is not in the city center and nobody talks about it anymore. One mocking journalist (forgot his name....) tried to burst into cabinets of municipality with this question - but nobody could answer him. And though his questioning style looked quite intrusive (though of course, I couldn't understand it all), I agree on one point - there is no meaning to hide such things from people. If you are right, you will act openly. And if you have to hide it only rises new questions... 


Ok, after writing this one I heard some doubts, that maybe it actually IS in the museum. Will have to go check some time. Crazy story, in any case :)


  1. we want stalin back :))
    i think that could be the topic of the exchange, what do you think? :)

  2. would be InTEResTinG. we could go around and ask people, if they would really seriously want him to be back (and not just the statue:)))) muahaha.
