
A perfect job

Perfect jobs don't exist. And not only because working couldn't be great - no no, my dear lazy friends. When you find an activity, which makes you jump happily out of your bed every morning, don't let it go, cause that sounds like you've found your place! But sometimes it happens in life that you are faced with a choice: to look for an office job, which would give certain frames and boundaries, or to try freelancing and create everything for yourself. 

I had a chance to experience both of it and I can tell that it can be difficult to decide which one is better. Both options have their own pluses and minuses, both open new opportunities - and put certain constraints.

Working at the office:
- it has a beginning and it has an ending, which is well defined and can be at times great and awful. Yet in the end of the day you just close the door - and all the worries are left behind. The rest of the evening is all yours, and if it' Friday - there is something to celebrate!
- this kind of work is stable. You can sleep calmly knowing that in the end of each month you'll be getting your salary, and you can already start planning what you'll be able to afford for that. You can plan your holidays and wait for it with a booklet on the wall above your work station - for inspiration.

- oh, right, and you always have a work station! Which means, you won't have to spend hours (and $$$) in the coffee shops or stay in bed the whole day. Such job gives you a reason to get up every morning, look good and be efficient. Which is great!
- unfortunately, working according to schedule you will always have to plan your time carefully, and to do some personal stuff at work - hide it from your boss or ask permission. The same is when you're planning holidays. Or think of anything new/awesome.
- you have a boss.

Freedom and independence:
- freelancing is often attractive because it looks so relaxed - imagine, when you have so much free time, how many things you would do!... But in reality it all comes to one question - would you really? Would you manage to forget all the distractions around and concentrate on working, the whole time?
- people around you might forget that you are also working - "look at that dude, in facebook the whole time, not locked to one place, I wish I had such holidays too!" Unless you are a journalist. Or earn so much that it makes sense for everyone to call it "real job".
- free and independent also means - unprotected. All the natural hazards like political changes, electricity cuts or lack of contracts this month - it all weights on your little shoulders. Though at the same time it gives so much flexibility that with a bit of persistence and a bit of luck you can get much better results than expected. The sky is the limit!
- every day is a new challenge and a new beginning. And it is all up to you how much satisfaction you will have in the end of the day.

So, what to choose now?

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